Non Discrimination
As We Dream Home Health Care Agency is an equal opportunity organization. As We Dream Home Health Agency does not exclude , deny benefits to (including employment and services), or Otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color national origin, disability, or age in admission to participate in or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its program and activities whether carried out by As We Dream Home Health Agency directly or through a contractor or any other entity with which As We Dream Home Health Agency ensures reasonable accommodations will be made for an employee with a disability.
Offering Family-Like Care for the People You Love
Try as you might, you don’t always have the time to take care of your loved ones. With As We Dream Home Health Agency, LLC, you can rest easy knowing that professionals are taking care of your family member’s needs.
We have a reliable, trustworthy staff who provides the following 24-hour services:
Light House Cleaning
Personal Hygiene
Preparing/Cooking Meals
Assistance With Medical Appointments
Making Doctor’s Appointments
Assistance With Medication
Shopping and Light Errands
Count on As We Dream Home Health Agency, LLC in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to take care of your family members in the comfort of their own home. Feel free to contact us to request a free quote or estimate.
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